Hello, welcome to my first blog post! Today I'm just going to talk in a bit more detail about myself. Feel free to go look through the other ones (once they're made!) if you don't want to, though. None of this should be relevant to them.

but what do i know?

I'm dreamloop, a 16-year-old man (boy?) going on 17. For basically all my life, I've had some sort of phone or laptop or whatever, so I guess it was only a matter of time before I learned how to code (even if i still have no idea what i'm doing). I'm "smart" in the sense that I can do schoolwork with ease but I act like an idiot the second I'm put under any pressure and it doesn't involve writing words or solving equations. I have a few past-times, namely video games, tennis, listening to/watching YouTube videos, and now coding and pixel art. Lastly, and certainly most important, I am a Christian of the Anglican denomination. I wish to love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, as we were commanded to and to follow in Christ's footsteps.

in real life

I'm currently a junior in high school. Although I do good on my schoolwork, I haven't really found it interesting, an opinion I'm sure I share with most American high-schoolers. Outside of school, I have a lot of friends who I hang out with from many walks of life.

Sadly, my parents did not have a stable relationship for long in my childhood. They divorced at the age of four and fought over me constantly, although they both did really love me. My father also died last year in May, unfortunately. Regardless, I really am not very burdened by these things. I hope to find father figures in the older people I know in real life and learn the knowledge I might not have known through the internet.

video games

I've played video games for as long as I remember. Even as a 3-5yr old, I had a LeapFrog Leapster Explorer (a sort of PS Vita/Nintendo switch but for kids). I also have very vague memories of playing one of those online MMO games sorta like Club Penguin, but I have zero clue which it was.

Outside of my childhood, I've played quite a plethora of video games and genres. Minecraft, Roblox, Paradox games (EU4, HOI4 especially), and about a million random mobile games. As of this post, I am playing Phantom Forces on Roblox, but I'm sure that will change by the next week.


Tennis is another thing I've done for my whole life. I have been playing ever since i was 3-4, and I don't really plan on stopping. It's fun and a good full body exercise. thats about it for this one


Last November, I started trying to mod the game Your Only Move is HUSTLE, a turn based fighting game. This was my first introduction into both art and coding. I even made, like, $90 doing a commission!

our savior

I am, as I mentioned before, a Christian. Around Easter of 2023, I had what I can only describe as a "born again" experience where I was suddenly brought back to Christ by the Holy Spirit. For all my life I was a professing Christian but didn't practice what I claimed to believe. I never prayed except when others initiated it and took no effort to read the Bible. Now, as someone young in Christ, I still have struggles trying to pray and read the Bible, but I am certain that I have salvation in my god and pray I will continue to grow in the Word and the Spirit.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

-Ephesians 2:8-10

wow you read this far?

If you actually read all this yap about myself, I truly thank you for listening. I hope you'll enjoy my next posts (when they are made)!

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